73 Cases in Two Weeks, 19 Cases in the Last Week, Cases Spread Out in All Ages

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO, December 13, 2021 – The COVID-19 Dashboard was updated December 12th at 4:00 pm to share the COVID-19 metrics and vaccination rates.  COVID-19 cases are at 73 cases in the past two reported weeks and 19 cases in the last week. 

Tuesday, December 14th, 3-5pm

o   Routt County Public Health

o   Pediatric vaccines (5-11) and Moderna vaccines for 18 and older

o   Call to make an appointment

o   Clinics will be Tuesdays and Fridays

Total case count in Routt County (through December 10, 2021): 3895

Total COVID-19 cases confirmed: 2905

Total Probable cases: 990

Total tests administered: 74965

Total resident hospitalizations: 65

Total deaths: 24

Seven Day case count (December 4-10, 2021): 19

Fourteen Day case count (November 27 – December 10, 2021): 73

Cases per 100,000 people in 7-day period: 74.1

Cases per 100,000 people in 14-day period: 284.6

Percent Test Positivity per Dial 3.0 (fourteen day): 2.4%

Total visitor cases in a one-week period: 2

Total visitor cases in two-week period: 4

Total tests administered in a one-week period: 1450

Total tests administered in a two-week period: 3074

Routt County Resident COVID-19 Hospitalizations (one week): 0

Routt County Resident COVID-19 Hospitalizations (two weeks): 0

Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations at UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center (one week): 0

Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations at UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center (two weeks): 0

Hospitalizations are presented as a range to protect the identity of cases. Zero hospitalizations will be shown as such.


Vaccine Distribution in Routt County: Vaccination data comes from the Colorado Immunization Information System, CIIS. This data is specific to Routt County residents independent of where they received their vaccine and does not include vaccine doses delivered by Routt County providers to non-Routt County residents.


Routt Residents (all ages) Received at least one Dose: 21747, 85%

Routt Residents (all ages) completed vaccine series: 18721, 73%

Routt Residents 12+ received at least one dose: 21001, 94%

Routt Residents 12+ completed vaccine series: 18341, 82%

Routt Residents Ages 5-11 received at least one dose: 744, 37%

Routt Residents Ages 5-11 completed vaccine series: 380, 19%

89% of Routt County’s 70+ population have completed the vaccine series.


Vaccination Rates by Geography

Disclaimer: Geographic information is based upon the demographic data in CIIS. Some records have missing or incomplete addresses unable to be attributed to a specific geographic area in Routt County.


Estimated Vaccination Rates by Region

City                                            % received 1 dose                  % completed Vaccine Series


                        North Routt                                    75%                                       68%

                        South Routt                                     50%                                       47%

                        Steamboat Springs.                      85%                                       77%

                          West Routt                                      47%                                       43%

                          Routt County Overall                    85%                                      73%

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